Saturday, November 22, 2008

Week #2

This is Week #2 (some things old, some are new):

General Observations about the actual aquarium-

  • Lost water
  • Most living organisms appear to be in or near the dirt
  • A lot of the organisms elsewhere are dead and/or hiding
  • Algae (Spyrogyra) turning brown in places

Observations of the organisms found last week-

  • Water Flea/Ostracod- still living
  • Cyclops could not be found this week
  • My Difflugia was found...dead
  • Identified the "little black tick" from last week as a Rotifer. Found a few more this week. All living.
  • Found a the shells of one or two dead seed shrimp

New organisms!-

  • 1st new finding: Appear as clear little specs, very small, move around almost constantly, present in large numbers, identified as Ciliophora

-->Citation for Ciliophora: Rainis, Kenneth and Bruce Russell. Guide to Microlife. Grolier Publishing. Danbury, Connecticut: 1996. Pg. 96.

  • 2nd new finding: Their body is somewhat oval shaped..but a little more elongated, they have flagella, you can see through their torso to what looks like an intricate internal system, identified as Tachysoma

-->Citation for Tachysoma: Patterson, D.J. Free-Living Freshwater Protozoa: A Color Guide. Manson Publishing. Washington D.C.:2003. Pg. 125.

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